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Real Time Data
${{filtering_datas_range.list_price.min}} ~ ${{filtering_datas_range.list_price.max}}
Land Size:
{{Math.floor(filtering_datas_range.lot_size.min)}} ~ {{Math.floor(filtering_datas_range.lot_size.max)}} sqft
Floor Size:
{{Math.floor(filtering_datas_range.floor_area.min)}} ~ {{Math.floor(filtering_datas_range.floor_area.max)}} sqft
Disclaimer: This representation is based in whole or in part on data generated by the Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board or Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy. The Communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement. The information provided, while deemed to be correct, is not guarranteed. All mesasurments are approximate. Chinese content of MLS® listing information are the translation from English MLS® Reciprocity. Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board and Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver reserve the copyright of all English and non-English MLS® content.

Found {{amount}} Property
Bed {{list.total_baths}}
You have reached the 100 listings limit set by the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. Please contact us if you had not found what you wanted.